Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Haha yea taking a break from the weird posts thingy but I'm not gonna say much. I'm too sleepy to think right now. We had Batch Rep voting yesterday. I think I voted for the right person. My other choice kinda disappointed me today and I can't say anything that would not make this obvious so I'm not gonna say anything. I have perfect confidence in the male rep I voted for, though I think he knows who he is and his ego is gonna swell after he reads this. >_> No one give him a link to my blog. Haha I'm kinda surprised I didn't want to run for batch rep though, I guess that's good. I mean it would look good on my resume and all that but nah. Too much bad experience. I just want to enjoy myself now.


Mmn I signed up for the Uni Magazine and gave them a link to my blog. I really should write something nice for them to accept me but I'm too tired after coming back late everyday. I joined 5 clubs. X/ Big mistake. I think I'm gonna drop Anime club. Honestly not into anime anymore but it's the cosplaying that should be fun. X/ Haha decisions, decisions.

SHIT! I have this horrible cough and I have a singing performance 2moro. I am screwed. I should pull out lar... If I cough into the mic, no one needs to sing d. They won't be able to hear anyone else. Gargh, my throat is so itchy.

I miss writing but no inspiration... The only writing I've done is the last 2 weird posts. I actually had a couple more posts planned out but for reasons I (may or may not) disclose later, they are not very suitable. Either to the theme I've been trying to get or because of the above reason. Why is there no creative writing club in Monash? Ok fine, I can't write on prompts, only on sudden inspiration but should be fun. Mmn my muse won't leave me alone... Tell her/him/it I'm too sleepy to write anything coherent. X/ I shouldn't have made it verse by verse, now there's too many parts to write. Maybe I'll just get through the chorus once. X/ I just re-read the first part, and it looks like it's gonna end up a love story... X/ LOLZ?

K lar. I'm lazy and sleepy d. I think I'm gonna go sleep if I can get the mood to get myself off this couch. X/ K lar guyz. Nightz

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