Friday, November 02, 2012

So no one's been updating their blogs... Dun really feel like updating mine but I needed to rant. No not rant...whine? So last day of exams are here and now I feel more depressed than ever. Since I came back until now I've done nothing but cry. Overreacting? I dun think so...I dunno I'm just so tired. I dunno wat happened to me. I think my mind just gave up on me. I've never let a previous station/exam disturb my next one before. Seriously I just wanna lie down and die. (No, not a warning sign. No need to go knocking on Mr Paul's door)

I dun even wanna go Penang anymore...not that I was keen to go in the first place. I'm just so tired...And to think about going Penang and hearing everyone talk about how well they did for the exam and the smart people 'pretending' they're gonna fail. Seriously I just need some time out right now. Some time to myself... Some time to think and reflect.  But I can't... Sunday heading to Penang until Wed and then I probably should start studying for the supplementary test. I know I won't though. I can't study for the sake of studying.

I dunno about working anymore...I mean I still wanna work but they'd only wanna hire for like the full 4 months. I can't work and deal with people everyday for 4 months and go back to uni. And I can't start immediately. I have to concentrate for supplementary first. And to think I have to go through all this again next year. I wonder if u fail year 2, will u get a chance to resit for the year. And by then it's too late to change course right?

I'm sorry for whining... it's just sometimes I feel I dun have anyone to talk to... No fault of anyone of course... I dunno how to express myself in words...oni writing...Besides family of guyz, not really programmed to show weakness in front of people... I dunno...I'm just so tired...I think the Penang trip is really gonna make or break me... I dunno...Maybe if I wake up 2moro i'll be fine again...who knows... But for now... I'm just so...out of it...

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