Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HAH! Take that self-deprecating voice! Take that!

Hey guys. Wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciated what you guys have done for my birthday. I'm so sorry I've cause you guyz to waste so much of your study time. I know how much you guyz study and I'm so sorry and I really appreciate it. :)

I wanted to reply to your letters one by one but then I realized that I'd have nothing to write for the letters I'd swear I'd write to you all after A2. I'd just wanted to say that your letters made me grin in reminiscence and am touched by everything you have said. I had honestly no idea you had thought of me so or that certain memories had affected you in the way you described.

I love you guys so much and I dread the moment we will part. Spending time with you guys is the only reason I have decided not to apply for study leave because I don't want to waste any more time especially those of you who decided to flee the country. :( Can I kidnap you and tie you somewhere? UK is very far away. Singapore wouldn't be so bad.

I will never forget the last year and a half and all the memories we have shared. I pray we'd continue forging this memories even far in the future. Hey a girl can dream can't she? :D

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