Saturday, April 28, 2012

Avenger's character list

1.Iron Man - Truly this was a tie between Iron Man and Loki but if we are only counting the Avengers movie than Iron Man did it for me. Loki kinda disappointed me here.
2.Loki - My favourite Marvel character thus far. Sympathetic and damn does he look cool in a suit.
3.Hulk/Bruce Banner - Again, solely for Avengers only. Never liked the Hulk but Avengers pulled me into it.
6.Agent "Phil" Coulson - I don't remember him much but I know he made enough of an impression to make me feel sad that he died.
7.Nick Fury - Meh
8.Captain America - Dull. Reminds me of Leonardo of the Ninja Turtles. Initially interesting as a 'leader' but it becomes his only defining characteristic and he's boring and so...egoistic?
9.Black Widow - @_@ Is there really a point to her other than hot chick? I'm still kinda not happy that she 'figured' Loki's plan without any explanation. Even if she Sherlock scanned the info from him... EXPLAIN!!!

I'm too sleepy to think and write more. I might talk summore when I have the mood.

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