Thursday, September 22, 2011

Repo! the Genetic Opera

Alright I'm doing it. I'm blogging about Repo!. Ok so I'm really bored but there are just some people I have to convince to watch (who are probably gonna skim or not read this post anyway :(. And btw, any of you who watch d Saw series (or Repo) and have Twitter, PLEASE, I repeat PLEASE follow Darren Bousman on twitter. The guy is hiding something from us and is not telling us what until he get more followers :( He's a tease...

Ok so what should I start with... The songs I guess...Ok regardless of what I have said about 17, there isn't a single song on Repo! I hate. Bored, maybe but not hate. I used to dislike Chromaggia but damn, Sarah Brightman is talented. Ok at first I wanted to list all the songs in order but DAMN there's ALOT of songs. 22 total just on the soundtrack so yea...maybe not... Ok so I'll just list songs that stood out in (maybe?) a particular order. (this is going to end up all the songs, I know it >_>)

1) At the Opera Tonight - Ok who can not love this song. The song is just...EPIC. It has the whole cast singing (and it's d closest thing to a duet between Anthony and Sarah). Anyone who watches musicals/operas would know this as the song before the storm and damnit I think the only musical who can beat Repo in terms of epicness is One Day More from Les Miserables. (Believe me, I've recorded myself singing all the parts (Repo Man gave me a sore throat) IT'S EPIC!!!

2) Mark it Up - Ok you knew I'd put this here. In Terrance's words, it's essentially the introduction to the Largo children and if any of you have been to my Tumblr, you'd know the Largo brothers are my favorite characters. So yea, anyone who knows me know I never go for the comic relief but when the comic relief is a murderer and a rapist...well I guess there's something appealing about it. More about this when I talk about the characters later :D (you knew I would). So anyway, there's just something so over-the-top and funny about this scene that keeps me coming back for more. 

3) Night Surgeon - Another song that is just plain epicness. Like Thankless Job, there's just something so disturbing and yet fun about people singing as they kill people. (Sweeney Todd was more detached, he wasn't enjoying the kill) Nathan was and Luigi looked like Christmas had come early. AND (haha you knew this was coming) it was the only time in the movie the Largos looked like they were having fun with each other. I am bloody serious. I mean besides the time they are pretending in front of a crowd, have you ever seen the Largos so civil with each other? Half the time, Rotti acts like he wishes he never had kids so yea, super refreshing. 

4) Zydrate Anatomy -  Ok this song wins major points for just being so bloody catchy. It was the first song I really liked and it was stuck in my head for ages. It's like a nursery rhyme. I mean seriously drugs have never sounded cooler. I wish I could say Paris' entrance spoiled the song but it didn't. Everything worked perfectly, even the surgery montage (and lesbian Genterns? xD jk (i think.)). 

Ok I think I'm really going through all the songs now... haha Sorry... but the music is just that awesome. There isn't a single one I want to leave out.

5) We Started This Opera Shit - Ok I really love this song but it faded over time because it's sung mostly by the chorus so no major characters appear (and GOD did the Single Mother really have to strip? I mean seriously, no nudity throughout the show and suddenly BOOBS X/ I mean I don't really have such a big issue with it but why??? T_T) Ok that's over and done with, now why this song rocks. It's pretty much the Repo Army (Repo fans) theme song. TESTIFY has been our 'motto' and I dunno... it presents some pretty good reasons why GeneCo is not really a bad idea. (Ok let me clarify, I'm pro-GeneCo but anti-Rotti but more about that under characters :)) 

6) Genterns - Oh dear's not even an official song and it 'introduces' us more to the Largo children. I have no idea are we supposed to find the kidz more despicable or likable but damnit they do really well as comic relief. The song is less than a minute? and yet it's catchy, likable and I can play it on repeat, repeatedly. 

7) 21st Century Cure - Ok I like this song because of the meaning and how true it is even now. I mean esp with all the plastic surgery going on now Graves poses the question, "Would you change who you are if you could?" I mean seriously who has never considered this question before? "Your designer heart still beats with common blood". These are the things that draw me to this song. But seriously, you wanna enjoy this song. Listen to it, don't watch it. The graves, Shilo, GeneCops, all too distracting. Takes away from the song. Just listen to the meaning as it is.

Ok I think that's about it, it's not that that's all the songs that's good but I think that's all I wanna talk about... Hmn... I love the duets but there's nothing exclusive really to say about it. Chase the Morning/Everyone's a Composer/Come Back is just awesome if not epic. And I dare you to classify the genre of music that song is. I can't figure it out. It's songs like this that makes me wish I can sing three lines at the same time.

Infected and Legal Assassin are just perfect songs to sing along to. I esp love the last verse of Legal Assassin where I can go all crazy like. Haha I just love to karaoke to myself and these two songs are perfect to do so. Hmn... special mentions to Bravi which is also my ringtone and NO MATTER where I am, whenever my phone rings, people stare. I mean really stare, and I'm cursing in my mind trying to answer the phone as quickly as I can. :S

Oooo I think that's it... I just realized the Largos need more songs :S Haha I like Gold but damnit the guy who sang it for the stage play is just....i love his voice. I mean there was nothing special about it but damn! I just like the voice... Think that's weird? I'm also in love with the Italian language because someone (Pavi probably) sang that one line in Come to the Opera with Me in Italian and i think it just sounds lovely. Yea...I'm beyond obsessed.

Haha alright then...this post is getting long and I'm a bit sleepy so err I'll leave this post about songs and continue about characters next time. Haha please don't take this as an excuse to run from my blog. Instead WATCH REPO! and understand why I'm just so crazy.  Goodnight everyone. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Boredom leads to depression, I'm sure of it. My brain is rotting. I can't believe I'm jealous at some people for studying. STUDYING!!! (Bangs head repeatedly) Bored! (Bang) Bored! (Bang) BORED!!!!! (BANG) Oooo I think I need to sit down for a while. Yea just in case I didn't get the point across I"M BORED!!!!!! I'm looking forward to a goddamned blood test just to fill up my day. I"M BORED!!!!!!!!

So anyway what else is new in my life...Hmn... my computer died on me. It's depressing not having Luigi greet me everytime I go online. I'm so used to it I think I'm facing withdrawal. >< My dad doesn't want to repair my laptop so yea bye bye...Should NOT have gotten attached T_T Stupid second hand piece of shit!!!

I'm obsessed with watching Sims dies.

Oooo I finally got the courage to post the story. No reviews yet though :S Ok fine, it's only been a couple of hours but still.... REVIEWS (hint hint,  hint hint) So yea that's the extent of my life. So if you haven't gotten the hint I"M BORED!!!!!!! I HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! X/ I don't even have the patience to write the posts in full. I feel so jumpy here. BORED

Ooo yea have I mentioned I HATE NEEDLES!!! Unless they are those gigantic ones I use for crosstitch that aren't sharp at all, keep them AWAY from me!!! I'm not scared of them or anything but seriously, keep them AWAY. X/ So yea I calculated, soon I'm gonna get a blood test: needle; than in about 3 months I'm gonna go donate blood: NEEDLES; which would then give me free Hep B injections: needles; and daddy dearest wants me to take d cervical cancer injection: Needles. That's 10 needles in all (I hope). WTF? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

Yea ok that's all I'm posting. I'm BORED but too hyper? to post anything coherent. So erm...ciaoz i guess...

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.

Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.

Funny, whenever I used to play pretend I always chose the Unicorn Core as well. :) Well the words I bolded stood out to me the most and I can't help but agree. I never really thought of being powerful in anyway but being consistent was important. Well, for melancholy, you only need to read my blog to get it and faithful well...hahaha

Unyielding, sounds fair enough like me. I was always told I was too stubborn. Haha oops ok they meant flexibility. Well I am unflexible as anything, believe me. I'm like a tree. Haha so yea, that's me

10 & 3/4s sounds a little short... I couldn't figure if I was average or tall for my I put average... I have to reread all the other character's wand length though to figure just how short it really is. (Haha just found out Draco's was 10 so I guess it's an average size wand. Haha)

The ash wand cleaves to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it will lose power and skill. This tendency is extreme if the core is of unicorn. Old superstitions regarding wands rarely bear close examination, but I find that the old rhyme regarding rowan, chestnut, ash and hazel wands (rowan gossips, chestnut drones, ash is stubborn, hazel moans) contains a small nugget of truth. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not, in my experience, lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insists on trying wands of this prestigious wood, will be disappointed by its effects. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant.

Haha what did I say about being stubborn? Haha I don't know how such simple questions managed to be so accurat but they are. The wand seems to suit me from the beginning and I don't know...never believed in the passing down of wands etc. Haha now I really can't wait for the sorting

It seems I have Cedric Diggory's and Charlie Weasley's wand. Hahaha

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Hi guys,
I have honestly no idea what to post about so I guess I just wanted to post a little update about my life. :) I couldn't really think of a specific topic but I wanted to post a little something. Initially, I wanted to write something about a parting I experienced last Friday but after reading Pik Ee's blog, I won't be able to do any justice to it. I just hope her happiness in a foreign land. I have perfect confidence she will not be alone there as she can make friends with total ease. Even so, I am here on Facebook or Skype if she needs someone to talk to. :) God bless.

Has anyone else tried the new blogger website? I mean this website but they updated things. It's so...white and clean. The last one was pretty similar to my actual blog so writing emo posts came naturally. Now it feels like I should be writing happy posts. Yikes Not my style but I promise this will not be an emo post. Just an update of what's going on literally in my life. There's not much to say really, as nothing is going on but I've passed that emo phase of my last two posts. It had to happen I guess, I couldn't resent that one fact forever.

Hmn...I still haven't continued working. That chick from the telechatter never called me back or replied my sms, I won't lie by saying I'm disappointed. I addressed the reasons for that in my last post so yea, don't need to bring that up. And me stopping work, I guess I'm lazier than I thought. I don't really want to continue though, I've got the experience I wanted. I mean I could always get more but I mean I've gotten the feel of it. It's not a new thing so I don't really want more. But it seems like such a waste of time. I sleep at 6 every night and wake at 4/5. I mean I'm online I guess but it is a real waste. I told myself since I have 6 free months, I'd actually go out and audition for a musical at KL Pac. Guess whether I tried anything? Sigh... I guess that's just me. :( I ignore all my opportunities and then emo about. Even so, it's too late to do anything about it so yea...I'm giving up.

Ok what next...oh yea I finally finished my stupid Phantom of GeneCo story (temporary title). Haha THANK YOU EUNICE!!! Haha she gave me the ending I desired which worked perfectly for me. I wanted to write a multiple ending story at first because I knew none of the endings would satisfy me. But Eunice found one that worked. I knew I had to kill someone off and I thought  the dad was a sure goner but when I decided to make the dad not so bad after all I knew he had to survive and 'suffer'. It worked perfectly and so thank you for giving me that idea. It was a slight pain to write but it was worth it. If I ever have the confidence, I'd post it. :) So again, thank you Eunice.

In relation to that, I wanted to thank Andrew (Henecran) for helping to write a summary for my old story so I have no excuse not to post it on, even though I don't think you read my blog. I hardly let, well I wouldn't say stranger exactly but I barely know him, read my stories so when he actually gave me rather positive feedback, it really brightened my day. (And as you can see, I linked his blog, check it out, he's a pretty good writer.) The story is my new baby so yea, I think I would have been heartbroken if I got negative feedback. Haha sorry, I love to write and I think the compliments I got have been blowing up my ego a bit. :( Even so, I know I'm far from good and I really am trying to improve. If Monash has creative writing class, I would be super happy. Haha so anyway, I want to work out all the kinks in the story before I post it so if anyone would be sweet enough to volunteer reading, it would be awesome. :)

Haha speaking of Monash, I GOT IN!!! Haha ok I got the news a couple of days back and I dunno...I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be... Perhaps I was cocky, so I thought no problem. :( Definitely have to get that out of my system. Maybe I was still in my emo phase when I got it... I was relieved no doubt, cause I really dun wanna go IMU but not actually happy... Perhaps it was cockiness...I just wonder, had I really expected the results I got, would I have checked the box for applying for Monash Clayton. I think until now, I regret not doing so. I don't know what that would have accomplish, I mean I could go around begging for scholarships but I don't know why I'm not doing so for local Monash anyway... I don't think it would have changed a thing but until now I still regret not checking that box. I have no idea how it'd mess my local Monash chances but I still...regret... But then again...perhaps the feeling of getting it but not being able to go may be worse. Perhaps that's why I'm kinda glad LSE rejected me. I mean that's probably the school to be. Hahaha so much for being over my emo phase. A bit hard to forget about it since everyone is talking about it. Maybe I'm just comparing with the wrong people. I always expected them to go anyway. I think I just expected more for myself...

Hahaha see? Back to emoness... Hahaha No no no Hmn... let's see what else is going on in my life? I'm obsessed with horoscopes. Haha I know I'm annoying people by constantly asking their horoscopes but it's fun. :) I mean in terms of personality, it's super accurate and yet the 2 people who says that the same fact applies to them seem different in every way. Haha freaky right? I mean I was writing a birthday letter for my friend that day and was looking up our horoscope compatibilities on ideas on things to write. Haha I love the way they described our 'friendship'. Haha especially how we'd always argue who's the most dominant among us. The description solved the argument perfectly for me. Haha maybe I should show her the site one day. But yea, am loving horoscopes and I'm not gonna stop checking them out. I just found something out... :( I am incompatible with every member of my immediate family. My mom's an aquarius, dad's a libra, one bro's an Aries and my other bro's a Scorpio (which is either super compatible or super incompatible) Maybe  compatibility leans more to love but it's just...sad... It kinda explains alot though...Sigh

Yea that's about it I guess... Am still debating with myself whether I should do a little post on Repo. XD Yea, I know everyone's bored of my talking about it. I just realised I never did do a post about Repo though  even if my tumblr's full of it. Maybe I should do a full post then? Haha Ok, I'll compromise, I'll write a bit of how Repo is affecting my life now, and if I'm in the mood I shall do a full Repo post. :) Ok let's see, currently  I'm not watching Repo as often as I used to cause I think I replayed the songs one too many times. Shhh don't tell the Repo gang on Fb. Even so, I seem more obsessed with Repo than a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's the FB group, who are a wonderful group of people who are like me, spending their lives waiting impatiently for a sequel. Maybe it's the stage musical which I am virtually unable to find any info about but I am crazy obsessed with their songs. (Chase the Morning is bloody uplifting but the verses are way too draggy) Or maybe it's cause I managed to convince Li Chin to watch and like it, so now I'm more confident in asking other people to watch it. Maybe it's just my fanfics that are pulling me back into that world. Even so, I hope my obsession with Repo will last. I have noticed my obsessions fading rather quickly now and that's just depressing. Even so, I'm getting rather disillusioned about getting a sequel though...and that just gets me down. I'm trying my best though to trend #RepoOpera and I hope you guys would do the same. While Repo would always be Terrance's baby, he has Molting now and I guess he is moving on. I got into Repo pretty late though...most real fans of the show has probably given up waiting. I guess this obsession will fade over time if no news of a sequel is coming out soon but I guess until I give up my obsession on Bill Moseley (and/or Nivek Ogre) I would always be excited for a Repo sequel. I think the speed I move through my obsessions really depress me though. I mean I know of people who hold their obsession for years. Then again, I look back at some of my obsessions and wonder what the hell was I thinking. (I used to be obsessed with a pokemon for heaven's sake) But right now, even just thinking about giving up Repo and Bill just depresses me. (Haha see, emo again) Haha it's official, I must make it a point to post about Repo. Haha

Well, I guess I should really end now. It's nice to know I have finally gotten my original writing style back (probably around the time I wrote the piece about Michael Jackson's death?) Haha Maybe cause this is literal mumblings and not much emoness in it (well less than usual) and all the brackets I'm using. Haha it feels familiar. I think with tumblr and facebook updates, there's really less to blog about. And yet, this post is filled with everything and yet nothing. Haha it's refreshing though. Well alright then, it's 5.40 in the morning, I really should get to bed. Goodnight everyone (or for the more hardworking of you, good morning). :) Nice chatting with you. :)