Thursday, July 01, 2010

Unwritten letters

Day 3 is here. Guess what? I don't think I'm gonna write today's letter. Hey, I might change my mind later and post one up I dunno but I doubt it. I can only see the letter ending up 3 ways so I really don't want to touch it. I mean it would probably end up a) some sappy suck-up letter or something, you know like those things you hear on mother's day father's day. b) some half-concocted unemotionless letter written just for the sake of writting it or c) the truth with the right splash of emoness. I mean we all know how that is gonna turn out and I don't wanna seem like I'm dissing my parents or that they're doing something wrong cause their not but it is called Pits of Depression for a reason. So the only thing I can conclude is I'd probably not write today's letter and tomorrow as well. Family's off-limits. Hey i might just contradict myself and post something up later who knows? I mean I've already picked out the songs I wanted to accompany the letters. So... we'll see. But again I apologize for not sticking to the routine. :S Sorry

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