Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Letters to Ponder

Well day 2 is here and I'm procastinating the next letter. How I'm gonna last 30 days is anyones guess. Next topic: Letter to my crush. Problem is I don't really have a current real crush. Not really at least. There are some guys I have to hots for but nothing serious if you get my drift. Should I write to them? Should I write a general letter? Or should I write to a celebrity I've fallen head over heels for? If so, then who? First person in mind is Adam Lambert but what do I write? If I ever wrote a letter to him it'd probably full of fangirlish stuff and I don't want to write that on my blog here. So who and what should I write? Boy these letters are really bugging me man. I've spent the whole day of college today just thinking about who I should write to and it just goes round and round and round and I can't stop and pick anyone. Who Who Who?

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