Monday, December 12, 2011

First Vlog

Hey guys I wanted to try my first vlog. If you don't know what that is it's a video blog. I haven't updated in ages and I wanted to give you the feel. So if you watch it please let me know what you think. Whether I should continue with that style or go back...Erm I think I elaborated on it in my vid. Er the link is unlisted so pls don't start sharing out my vid. I didn't really 'pang leng leng' for this vid. Just how you'd see me on Skype. I think I watched the Nostalgia Chick too much cause I seem to be channeling her (with a British Accent). GAH!!! I dunno why my british accent always pops up when I'm recording myself. >< Haha ok I'm getting a bit of course. So just enjoy the video and tell me what you think.

Yea it's a little long. xD opps. Yea realize my expressions are all over the place. :) Ciaoz

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