Boredom leads to depression, I'm sure of it. My brain is rotting. I can't believe I'm jealous at some people for studying. STUDYING!!! (Bangs head repeatedly) Bored! (Bang) Bored! (Bang) BORED!!!!! (BANG) Oooo I think I need to sit down for a while. Yea just in case I didn't get the point across I"M BORED!!!!!! I'm looking forward to a goddamned blood test just to fill up my day. I"M BORED!!!!!!!!
So anyway what else is new in my life...Hmn... my computer died on me. It's depressing not having Luigi greet me everytime I go online. I'm so used to it I think I'm facing withdrawal. >< My dad doesn't want to repair my laptop so yea bye bye...Should NOT have gotten attached T_T Stupid second hand piece of shit!!!
I'm obsessed with watching Sims dies.
Oooo I finally got the courage to post the story. No reviews yet though :S Ok fine, it's only been a couple of hours but still.... REVIEWS (hint hint, hint hint) So yea that's the extent of my life. So if you haven't gotten the hint I"M BORED!!!!!!! I HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! X/ I don't even have the patience to write the posts in full. I feel so jumpy here. BORED
Ooo yea have I mentioned I HATE NEEDLES!!! Unless they are those gigantic ones I use for crosstitch that aren't sharp at all, keep them AWAY from me!!! I'm not scared of them or anything but seriously, keep them AWAY. X/ So yea I calculated, soon I'm gonna get a blood test: needle; than in about 3 months I'm gonna go donate blood: NEEDLES; which would then give me free Hep B injections: needles; and daddy dearest wants me to take d cervical cancer injection: Needles. That's 10 needles in all (I hope). WTF? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Yea ok that's all I'm posting. I'm BORED but too hyper? to post anything coherent. So erm...ciaoz i guess...
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