Which Supernatural Angel Are You?

Hahahaha Hey guys. I'm back...kinda. Hahaha it's 3 am in the morning and I'm bored so I decided to go on about Supernatural. (Just finished Season 5 and am currently suffering from withdrawal XD) Ok so usual spoiler-warning and believe me, my post will be nothing but spoilers.
Hahaha so anyway check out the above personality quiz result. Haha so anyone surprised I'm happy. Well shame on you cause you don't know me well enough. XD Well Lucifer is everything I wanted him to be. An angel (of course all the angels are pretty much douche-bags so it doesn't really make him less evil does it?), charming, doesn't lie and is honestly anti-human instead of anti-god. He could have chosen a much handsomer vessel (no Sam Winchester is not) instead of some 40 something yea old man. Don't get me wrong, the actor played Lucifer brilliantly but I wanted a really handsome Lucifer. Sigh. Haha.
Well well well who would have guessed out of all the angels (excluding Castiel) my favorite one would be Gabriel. Haha it really surprised me; I mean tell me this like 3 months ago and I'd tell you you were insane. I mean the Trickster was hilarious and all (his appearance had some of the best eps) but wonderful or squeelable not really. And of all the archangels Gabriel has always been the blah one for me maybe because he featured the most in the Gospels and so it's like meh boring whatever. Seriously though Gabriel was just awesome. I mean as soon as he cut the whole 'I don't give a shit' persona and let himself out (talking about the apocalypse and such) I just knew I was going to love this guy. Maybe because I'm the eldest child (you'd think I'd actually like Michael (more)) just the way he acted the whole little brother way and the whole 'I don't want to see my family fight' kind of thing makes me feel so protective of him like I don't want him to get hurt. Haha a 18 year old girl wants to protect a centuries old archangel. Hahaha but seriously he is just so vulnerable under that mask of his. In some ways actually, he reminds me more of Dean than Michael does. I can't help but hope that God would bring him back to life. I'd miss him too much to leave him be. Sigh Maybe a bigger role? Haha now I'm just reaching.
Haha ok so I said excluding Cas. Why? Because Cas is the best thing that has ever happened to Supernatural and I have fallen head over heals for him. This guy takes deadpanned snarker to a whole new level since well for a start he isn't snarking; he's being extremely serious. Haha Repeatedly I've tried to shove my head into the television and give him a big hug (maybe like how cupid did XD poor Cas) When I laid eyes on him for the first time I knew I'd love him. I mean his entrance itself was just badass with a capital B. I must have really found something I liked in this fellow cause when Lucifer 'killed' him, I was literally screaming in my room. He gets better but that's not the point. That really hurt. Hahahaha great now I'm overreacting. Haha I ship Dean/Castiel but for some reason I don't enjoy reading fanfics about them. I dunno maybe friends first lovers later? Hahaha Cas Cas Cas
Ok season 6 theories. ok fine they are not my ideas but hey brainstorming's good right? Ok first thing Chuck is God. I mean there seemed no other reason to make him disappear all of the sudden without explanation unless they just wanted some cliffhanger or something. Good idea but I hope not. I kinda like Chuck as a person so I don't want him to be you know, God only pretending to be like that kinda thing. I mean I'd rather see it as he disappeared because he went to heaven (like Elijah did) because he accepted he was a prophet and had finished his job. He might be the new link for the boys and heaven, taking over Cas' job. I'm so worried that they'd push Cas aside the next season but the audience love him so much so hopefully not. I can't believe I didn't come out with this theory by myself. Cas said he was better than new and he is obviously so much stronger than before. He's been promoted to archangel. It makes sense; I mean Gabriel's dead (NO!!!!) and Michael and Lucifer's in hell/trapped so it makes sense God needed to replace them. If this is true there's a big chance that Raphael would be come the Bad in Season 6 though maybe not the big bad. It's better than the Crowley idea. I'd rather Crowley stick with good...well as good as a demon can be I guess. Last theory (for now), Joshua is Jesus. Haha a bit far-fetched but I really salute the guy who thought of it. Joshua=Yeshua=Jesus. Of course there are so many Joshua's in the bible but I can actually see the director's of supernatural pull something like this off. Honestly though I'd rather they didn't touch Jesus. I mean going off about God is one thing but Jesus is a bit too far. Too religeous even for a show like Supernatural and too pro-Christianity (or anti could work either way). I'd rather they didn't show God either y'know. Keep him mysterious. I dunno works better for me. Haha Michael and Lucifer should come back. I think either Michael would turn to the dark side or Lucifer would turn good (the first one is more likely though). I mean what else can we expect? They are stuck with each other for dunno how long. They'd probably bond pretty well.
Haha erm that's it I guess. Discussed all that I could. Haha I'm just posting this for the sake of updating my blog. Haha except for a few loyal readers I doubt anyone else is reading this thing. Haha probably would die soon. Haha k then. Bye guys.
PS: I got my writing mojo back. Hallelujah.
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