Hahahaha it seems it's official that i have the syndrome. Ok...What is it? The definition is pretty much when a fandom takes a controversial or downright villainous character and downplays his flaws, often turning him into an object of desire in the process.
Sounds familiar? So me. I mean come on Draco IS the most obvious example. This is a quote from Arizona Bay which pretty much explains it.
"I tell you, Satan's gonna have no trouble taking over here 'cause all the women are gonna say: 'What a cute butt.' 'He's Satan!' 'You don't know him like I do.' 'He's the Prince of Darkness!' 'I can change him.'"
Believe me, I've said/thought most of those things. Seriously Lucifer is the ultimate victim of the DiLP Syndrome.
Examples of my poor victims from tvtropes.org:-
Bleach Ok Bleach has way too many DiLP characters.
1) Ichimaru Gin - Evil asshole in every way and yet sigh...Perfect
2) Grimmjow - Definitely a jerk...Haven't decided I liked him yet but if I do DiLP
God Child
1) Cain - I don't think he is a jerk at all nor deserving of this title but still...Sigh
2) Jizabel - Ok how can you want to make your brother suffer so much just because daddy pays more attention to him? Seriously bastard of the highest account and I love him.
Comic Books
1) Lex Luthor - Blame Smallville but still Lex is all for me, asshole or not.
2) Dr Doom - Ok this guy confused me for the longest time but Julian just sealed the deal for me.
Hellboy 2
1) Prince Nuada - Not really. He was a bit annoying to me but I never really saw him as an asshole but I just can't stand the hints of twincest.
1) Sylar - I never really loved him before but definitely enjoyed his (lick) sexual appeal.
2) Adam - Hmm...tvtropes.org never classified him but I guess he is since he does have a couple assholic moments.
1) Cole - Julian...you spoil me dear.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1) Pre-soul Spike - Spikey stay away from that Slayer-bitch. You deserve so much better.
Final Fantasy 7
1) Sephiroth - Draco of all Dracos. Sigh
1) Sylar - I never really loved him before but definitely enjoyed his (lick) sexual appeal.
2) Adam - Hmm...tvtropes.org never classified him but I guess he is since he does have a couple assholic moments.
Last but not least:-
Everyone one Alan Rickman has ever played!!!
Alan Rickman rocks as an actor and I have so idea why but even the villians are all so yummy. Allllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!