(Major spoiler alerts throughout the post. If possible ignore everything in purple if u dun wanna spoil the story. If u can't ignore the whole post and jump to the last 2 paragraphs) I mean I expected Kirk to get the girl, not Spock and it happened without the whole rivalry thing. And of course, future Spock didn't go back to the future.
So anyway, the characters were all lovable which surprised me. I mean I don't like all the characters in the show. Especially the girl, but they did it in such a way that you had no choice but to. The three captains (not Kirk) showed real leadership and knew how to protect their crew.
Next to him is James T. Kirk our very own hero. Ok he's hot. Not my type but even I have to admit he's hot. Dun really like his typical hero character but he is pretty well done (sorry I like mine rare XD). This pic so doesn't display his hotness. He's funny as well, says the most random things at times. 'I am Spock!' '...Bullshit!' Think he acted in Princess Diaries 2 or something. He's cool but I'll never forgive him for taunting Sylar oops I mean Spock like that even if Future Spock told him to. PoorSy-I mean Spock.
Besides him, towards the back it Scotty. Nice accent, can't remember from where tho. He's funny and I love his pet 'monkey'. It's eyes are creepy tho.
Besides him towards the front is Dr. Bones. His real name is Leonard(wth?) can't remember why they called him bones. At first I thought he was going to be the annoying divorced fella' but other than the first time, the divorce was never mentioned. Good fellow.
Ok next to him is Sulu(what kind of name is that?) Not sure what race he is(him or the actor). Read from somewhere he was Jap(Sulu). I was so sure he would die but then I recognize the name Sulu...wasn't he part of the crew? Then I knew he was safe. Haha I kept imagining Kumar(Harold and Kumar) popping out from the back tho.
Next to him is Uhura. Anything good I can say about her is spoilers so: I respect her cause they didn't try to do the whole love triangle and she being torn thing. They kept her loyal. Even then she knew when to comfort Spock and when to just back down. She isn't one of those clingy girls who get pissed off when their boy doesn't share his feelings. All in all I like her (I hardly like female characters) because she is different and she didn't steal screen time like all the other 'heroines'.
So anyway, it was so weird watching a movie with Pik Ee. She was so emotional throughout the movie. She was already teary eyed at the start. WTH? it wasn't even sad. Of course when I felt sad at the middle I had to keep telling myself 'You're wearing eye-liner, luv. You so dun want to smudge it.' Stupid PMS. I don't feel like crying at movies! Anyway back to Pik Ee.
She would gasp and when Spock nearly crashed into the ship but survived she cried luckily. Hello, of course he wouldn't die. Kuan Ngee wasn't any better. When me and Pik Ee laughed she stayed silent. When it was the serious part and me and Pik Ee was silent she burst out laughing. Like WTH? Same thing like the people above us. They kept laughing at random things. Haha dun get me wrong guys, it's fun to watch with u all...except Kuan Ngee. Who cares if they've gone to skate? Stop smsing and watch the damn movie. XD
Haha after that we went ice skating. Not bad. I finally can skate without holding the side. Fell only once, so proud. Not bad lar but my feet hurt like hell after that. Haha kind of enjoyed the trip(of course mainly it was the movie) but still not bad. Damn you Helen and Sarah for not coming. Well, that's all I guess. Whoever who haven't watched Star Trek yet must watch. It's seriously worth it. Well farewell, Live long and prosper.
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