Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prefects Party

Hey! Here I am again back from the depths of nothingness. We had a prefects party on Friday together with the librarians and school coperation. So here are randoms pics I stole from Kuan Ngee and Pik Ee. We really had a great time.

The emcees for the night, Helen from the prefect board and Amelia from SMKBJ's coperation.

Our food for the night. Ice cold. >_<>

I just love steph's face in this. It was during the Mr. Muscle commercial.

This looks like a movie poster. Three guys and a girl.

My close friends Pik Ee and Kuan Ngee.

The cast of Avenue Q. Our form 4 performance. Guess what we won first place. Even our headmistress was laughing her head off. Now that was a shock.

This is Boon Kyan and Neeraj performing 'If You Were Gay'. They both look hot, it'd be a pity if they were.

Shi Zun and Wei Quan are not wearing underwear today. XD

This is our Avenue Q girls posing with the hot guyz.

Um...wondering about his sexuality?

Don't this two look sweet together? They are doing a duet on how a honors in English ain't helping them at all.

This is the Avenue Q group doing their signature 'can-can' dance.

Hahaha, that's all I guess. See ya 6 months later. ; ) Maybe I'd have good news about a boyfriend maybe. :D